- We have a Soil Amendmant that revieves the soil - We add badly needed Trace Minerals to your soil
- We Reduce the need for up to 40% of Water in the Soil
- We work with distribution networks to Assure THRYV FARMS Certifcation
- We partner with other progressive technologies so we are always innovating
- We create our own Distribution platforms through Farmers Market and Soil to Spoon Restaurants!

Thryv Farms

The Thryv Farm indicative is boldly redefining agriculture, shifting from traditional organic standards to prioritize unprecedented nutrient density. With innovative practices and a fresh perspective, Thryv's mission is to elevate food's nutritional value, surpassing organic certifications. The THRYV movement, launching in 2023, unites sustainable production and living soil to yield nutrient-dense nourishment. Join's community, empowering farmers and consumers, as we champion a future where food's nutritional significance creates a healthier global stage.

Thryv Farm revolutionizes agriculture by prioritizing nutrient density over traditional organic standards.

Utilizing innovative practices, we aim to surpass existing organic certifications by focusing on food's nutritional value

We empower farmers and consumers in shaping a healthier world through soil regeneration.